Holy Crap It Really Is The End Of November…

I have not disappeared..really. I am still hanging around. I just haven’t felt the urge to blog. Sorry for those that have missed me. I got a message from a lovely lady, that always has a way of bringing a smile to my face and has been encouraging, wondering if she has missed something..Nope, Pixie (;)) , I’ve just been in a funk! I would rather my blog be about happy and fun things…I just haven’t been my usual ball of happy and fun! But, I have been writing..just not on here..I’m not going to say exactly what it is, but it has to do with something that Miss Pixie and my bestie have been telling me I should try..so we shall see how that goes!

Anyway, I have been getting into some other things while I have been absent from my page. I have always enjoyed cooking and baking, and I have really gotten into making/decorating cupcakes. It gives me something to focus on for a little bit to get my mind off all of the other crap that is running through it and makes me feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when I’m done! It’s just one of those things you can look at and think “Wow! Those look really awesome and I did that!” I like to be able to use my creativity and make things look pretty! Oh, and yummy!

Speaking of cooking, baking and end of November…tomorrow brings my most favorite holiday. Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving, because I feel that it is more of a time to reflect on things in your life, than any other holiday. You get together with your families, just like every other holiday, but it is a time to give thanks for what you have so it really makes me think of what I am thankful for. I don’t think like a lot of other people. I see posts on Facebook, where others are thankful for a lot of material things. I am not a material person, so I can’t say that I am thankful for a whole lot of material items. Yes, I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, and the other material things that everyone needs and should be thankful that they have. I tend to think of these more as necessities than anything else and there are too many people out there in this world that don’t have these things. The things that I am mostly thankful for are things that can never be replaced..things that, if they weren’t in my life I would be completely lost..things that are here today and are not guaranteed to be tomorrow. I am thankful that I have been given one more day. This is one more day that I have to be able to love my family.. to watch my beautiful daughters grow, smile, laugh, fight, cry, and live their ‘one more day’..to be able to love them with all that I have and know that they are, by far the BEST, accomplishments in my life. I am thankful for being given the gift of their unconditional love and the opportunity to be their mommy! Without them, I would not be who I am and I would be completely lost. I am thankful that, with this one more day, I have people that encourage me and  love me unconditionally..no matter how many times I mess up, want to quit, feel like I have let them down, or just shut down. I know that they will be there for me to keep me on the right road and show me all the reasons that I need to keep my head up. I am thankful for all of the people in my life that  bring a smile to my face…Every once in a while you just need that smile or laugh, from out of no where that makes you shake your head. I am thankful for all the little things..every little thing that I see or hear or touch that brings forth an emotion. Those are things that can never be replaced. You will never know if you were meant to see them or hear them, but they are now a memory that you have to hold on to. I am thankful that tomorrow I will get to use my talents and creativity in the kitchen and cook a nice meal for my family and be able to sit down, enjoy their company, and think about what I am thankful for with each of them.

Oh, and hey, I just so happen to be thankful for everyone that reads my meaningless chatter! You guys really are awesome and you are right up there in the “people who bring a smile to my face” category! So, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and I hope you have a wonderful day with your families!


4 responses to “Holy Crap It Really Is The End Of November…

  1. Awww, sweet lady, I am so thankful to call you a friend and that you gave me another awesome blog to read. Bless your heart! Not sure how I helped but will always be your fan.

    • You helped because you have always been encouraging and I tried to write last week and erased it all. Last night before I got your message I was thinking about getting on here..I figured I would wait til morning. I’m not sure how awesome it is, lol…but, it’s what came to me! Have a great Thanksgiving! xoxo

  2. Gosh I just got all teary-eyed. Thanks Allissa. Cupcakes make everyone happy I hope you keep it up. I feel all of those things you mentioned are what I’m thankful for too. Oh and pleeeaaase keep bloging more pleeaase!

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