My First Shout Out!

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but here it goes today! A while back when I started getting followers that I didn’t know.. (haha, yes I find this funny, because for some reason I really thought I was only going to end up with people that actually knew me..yeah, I’m a moron)..I got a notification saying I was being followed by “Brice Maiurro”. Naturally, me being curious as to what kinda blog he had going on, I clicked on his page. I have to honestly tell you that I felt quite stalker-ish for a while, because I could just sit and read this guys work all. freakin. day! He is an amazing writer. I haven’t come across a single poem on his page that I have not liked. He inspires me to want to be a better writer With that being said, I think you all should do me a favor and go check out his blog @ WWW.FLASHLIGHTCITYBLUES.COM .

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